Happy Birthday Twitter: 80+ Twitter Resources
Four years ago on 21st March, Jack Dorsey the founder of Twitter sent his first Tweet. Now 4 years later Twitter has become a huge sensation with people using it for all kinds of work. It has become a part of our life. We hear about Twitter everywhere, in the news papers, on the Television. Even many Colleges and Universities have started using Twitter.
Everyone is wishing Twitter and here are some of the #HappyBirthdayTwitter tweets
On this wonderful occasion we are sharing some resources that will help you to improve your tweeting experience and also some amazing Twitter content for your blogs.
We will first begin with basic resources for people who have just started using Twitter and will slowly provide resources for the regular users which will help to become a twitter expert.
1. What is Twitter?
2. HOW TO: Retweet on Twitter
3. What is a #hashtag?
4. How to customize my Twitter background?
5. Twitter terms to know
6. What is #followfriday?
7. Twitter for Beginners – 5 Things to Do as a New Twitter User
8. 5 Naming Tips For Your New Twitter Account
9. What Twitter Application is Right For You?
Here are few videos that will help you in using Twitter
10. Twitter In Plain English
11. How To Use Twitter
12. Twitter Retweet Explained
13. The Twitter Tutorial
14. Twitter For Beginners
15. Twitter for Beginners: 5 Steps for Better Tweeting
16. A non-fanatical beginner's guide to Twitter
17. A 20-step starter’s guide to using Twitter efficiently
18. Twitter 101: Clarifying the Rules for Newbies
19. For Newbies: 10 Quick Guidelines to Getting the Most Out of Twitter
20. Twitter for Dummies | Are You Clueless?
21. 10 Easy Steps for Twitter Beginners
22. Add A TweetMeme Retweet Button To Blogger Blog
23. Awesome People To Follow On Twitter
24. How We Use Twitter for Journalism
25. Unique Ways to Use Twitter!
26. How To: Incorporate Twitter Into Your Busy Life
27. How to Get Followed on Twitter | Twitter 101
28. 11 Ways to Use Twitter to Help Your Site Go Viral
29. 25 Ways to Recharge Your Twitter Experience
30. Types of Birds on Twitter and How to Be an Eagle
31. 17 Marketing Related Uses for Twitter (and counting)
32. 7 Ways to Be Worth Following on Twitter
33. Finding Great Content to Tweet
34. 10 Ways To Secure A Successful Tweet
35. 10 Different Ways To Use Twitter!
36. 9 Benefits of Twitter for Bloggers
37. How to get ReTweeted – The Formula
38. What To Do When There is Phishing on Twitter!
39. Twitter Better: 20 Ways to Filter Your Tweets
40. 50 Ways to FAIL On Twitter
41. 9 Tips to build your reputation on Twitter like Guy Kawasaki
42. Top 10 Tips for Twitter … and Life
43. The Fine Art Of Balancing Your Twitter Conversations
44. 10 Acts of Twitter Kindness
45. Tweetable Art: 10 Twitter Tips for Artists
46. Top 10 Twitter SEO Tips
47. 10 Ways Twitter Can Boost Your Social News Profile
48. 7 Traits Of A Good Twitter Friend
49. 10 tips on being a good Twitterer
50. 8 Tips for Spotting a Spam Twitter Follower
51. 7 Tips for Becoming a Twitter Badass
52. How To: Rejuvenate A Brand via Twitter
53. Anatomy Of A Successful Tweet
54. Eight Ways Twitter is Useful Professionally
55. Five Tweeting Mistakes That Might Get You Blocked
56. How To Use #MrTweet Instead of #FollowFriday
57. 5 Tips to Grow Your Twitter Presence
58. The 10 Twitter Commandments
59. 8 Useful Tips To Become Successful With Twitter
60. 5 Ways To Have Fun with Twitter When You’re Bored
61. What Should You Do When Your Twitter Account Is Hacked?
62. 7 Reasons You Aren’t Being Followed Back on Twitter
63. How I Use Twitter to Promote My Blog
64. The secret to Twitter
65. The secret to Twitter, Part II
66. Tweeting for Companies 101
67. Twitter Background Design How-To and Best Practices
68. 10 Tips to Be Effective at Marketing on Twitter
69. How To Get Unfollowed On Twitter
70. 10 Tips To Build Meaningful Relationships on Twitter
71. The Art of Writing Great Twitter Headlines
72. How To: Be Active On Twitter Without Getting Burned Out
73. How to Get Noticed on Twitter
74. 7 Steps To Follow If Your Twitter Account is Suspended
75. 16 Cool Sites To Get Free Twitter Backgrounds
76. Collection Of 60+ Twitter Icon Sets
77. 50 Free Social Twitter Resources and Icon Sets: Huge List
78. Cutielicious! A Free Twitter Bird Icon Set
79. 400+ Beautiful Twitter Icons for your Website
80. Twitter Backgrounds handPicked from DeviantArt
81. You Bad? – The Coolest Twitter Icons Ever
82. Free Twitter Backgrounds PSD Layered files
83. 50+ Most Amazing and Funny Twitter Comics
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Books about Twitter available on Amazon: